There are 4.39 billion Internet users all across the World as of 2019. Hence, there is no excuse to not to use Internet for marketing your business. To create a brand recall value, use of digital marketing is must, because an average internet user spends approx. 2 hours of a day accessing Internet.
To Optimize Your Websites as Per Your Audience and latest Search Engine Guidelines
To Promote Your Business on Different Social Media Platforms With Right Targeting Options.
To Promote Your Website on the First Page of Google With Paid Advertisements
To Rank Your Applications in Play Stores and App Stores on Right Keywords to Increase Installs.
To Generate Inbound Leads for Your Business With the Help of Targeted Content
To develop and design beautiful converting websites.
We can’t deny that traditional marketing also gives good results. But it is quite expensive than digital marketing. A full front page newspaper ad costs in between 5-10 lacs in India. Usually people buy newspapers in the morning, also not necessarily all the copies get sold. Hence, to create a strong brand recall value you need to be consistent with it, but resultantly it needs a high marketing budget. On the other hand, if we used 5-10 lacs for Digital Marketing, we can not only reach to large audience, but even retarget them.
Unlike traditional marketing, digital is easy to measure. If it’s SEO, you can keep watch on ranking, if it’s Google or Facebook Ad, you can measure return on ad spent, if it’s an email marketing campaign, you can measure open-rate.Keeping track of marketing activities is crucial, because you can make a further plan based on past performance.
Many people have a wrong perception about digital marketing. As per their definition, choosing digital means boosting posts on Facebook. But in actual, it’s way beyond than that. Digital Marketing allows us micro targeting. We can show our ad to gender, age, location, interest specific people making sure optimum use of ad budget.
Every business revolves around customer. Hence, customer satisfaction should be the primary objective of any business. Digital Marketing helps us to get immediate customer feedback. Whether in the form of comments, direct messages or tweets. Based on these feedback we can modify our strategy if needed.
We understand, you maybe trying digital marketing for the first time or maybe you have had a bad experience with previous digital marketing agency, but don’t worry. We at VITS, believe in empathy
That’s a good question. Because VITS Media Studios not just provides digital marketing services in Pune but actually treats your business like ours.
Moreover, digital is a tool, when we take any project, our team put core marketing knowledge into action.
We don’t call ourselves the best digital marketing agency in Pune, our clients call us with that name. But, the best word is so mainstream nowadays, rather we would like to call ourselves the most trusted and humanized marketing agency.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, make sure to contact us.